This Privacy Policy describes how Inboxmaker manages, process and store personal data submitted in the context of providing our services. “Personal data” refers to any information relating to an identifiable individual or personal identity.


By subscribing to our services or filling out a contact form on our website sites -, you agree and accept that we may gather, process, store and/or use the personal data submitted in accordance with the rules set forth below.

By giving your consent to us, you also retain the right to have your personal data rectified, to be forgotten and/or to be erased.

Collection of Information

1. In general, we collect and maintain two types of data:

a) General account information that you provide us with in order to activate the use of our services. For the most part, this tends to include - contact and payment information as well as email addresses.
b) Data that you provide us with about individuals or corporate entities to whom you wish to send e-mail messages or other forms of communication.

2. The information they submit to us and that we maintain could conceivably be used to distinguish businesses from individuals.

3. Tracking Our Emails to Our Customers. When we send emails to our own registered Inboxmaker customers and email newsletter subscribers, we'll sometimes track who opened the emails and who clicked on any of the hyperlinks included. We do this to measure the performance of our Email Campaigns, and to improve our offerings to specific customer segments.

4. Inboxmaker will not sell, rent, or loan our contact lists or our customer's contact lists (including customer data) to any outside firms nor will Inboxmaker use customer contact lists for our own marketing purposes.

Personal Data Collected

1. Identity and contact details of the data processor.

Personal data is collected on our website by Ad Astra Solutions Kft.

2. Data collected on the site.

When you subscribe to our services, the following data is collected and managed: email, company name, address, city, state/province, region, zip/postal code, country, first name, last name, phone, website URL, industry, expected email list size, password, IP address, registration date and time and browser.

By using our services, the following data is collected and managed: log-in data and browsing data where you authorize it, order history, complaints, incidents, information on subscriptions and messages on our site. Some data may be collected automatically due to your activity on the Inboxmaker sites (see more on section Clear Gifs or Web Beacons ).

The data submitted should not include any sensitive personal data, such as Government identifiers (i.e., social security, driving license, or taxpayer identification numbers), complete credit card or complete personal bank card numbers, medical records or particulars connected with applications for care or treatment associated with private individuals.

3. Purposes of processing and legal basis.

The principal purpose of collecting your personal data is to offer you a safe, optimum, efficient and personalized experience. To this end, you agree and accept that we may use your personal data to:

- provide our services and facilitate performance, including verifications relating to you;

- resolve any problems to improve the use of our site and services;

- personalize, assess, and improve our services, content, and materials;

- analyze the volume and history of your use of our services;

- inform you about our services as well as our partners’ services and/or promotional offers;

- prevent, detect and investigate any activities that are potentially prohibited, unlawful or contrary to good practice and ensure compliance with our terms of use and sending policy;

- comply with legal and regulatory obligations;

- to protect Inboxmaker services, email delivery, and deliverability reputation.

We use the personal data submitted to us only in accordance with the applicable data protection legislation. Our employees and third-party providers are under an obligation to respect data privacy

4. Third party disclosures.

Personal data relating to you collected on our website are destined for Inboxmaker own use and may be forwarded to Inboxmaker partner companies so that we may obtain assistance and support in the context of carrying out our services. Inboxmaker ensures that it has in place clear data protection requirements for all of its third-party providers.

Also, Inboxmaker does not disclose your personal data to third parties, except if:

(1) you (or your account administrator acting on your behalf) requests or authorizes disclosure thereof;

(2) the disclosure is required to process transactions or supply services which you have requested (i.e. to check you are employing best practice in your mailings or for the purposes of processing an acquisition card with credit-card issuing companies);

(3) Inboxmaker is compelled to do so by a government authority or a regulatory body, in the case of a court order, a summons to appear in court or any other similar requisition from a government or the judiciary, or to establish or defend a legal application or, (4) the third party is a subcontractor of Inboxmaker in the carrying out of services (for example Inboxmaker uses the services of an Internet provider or a telecommunications company).

5. Your data protection rights.

In accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation 2016/679 (GDPR), you have a right of access, correction, and removal of your personal data which you may exercise by sending us a support ticket to support (at) or at requests will be processed within 30 days. We may require that your request is accompanied by a photocopy of proof of identity or authority.​

You are also able at any time to modify personal data by logging into your account and clicking on “Contact Information”.​

6. Data retention periods.

Inboxmaker collects your personal data for the requirements of carrying out its contractual obligations as well as information about how and when you use our services, and we retain this data in active databases, log files or other types of files so long as you use our services, and in accordance with the current regulations in force.

Inboxmaker in no way undertakes to store all your data indefinitely. You can access some data so long as you hold an active account with us and for a period that varies depending on the type of data concerned and the Inboxmaker subscription plan (statistics on your account, content of your emails, contact lists, etc.), but, in no event no longer than 6 months after closing of your account. The data may be deleted at any time during active use of your account in accordance with the provisions set forth above.

7. Location of data storage and transfers.

Inboxmaker-owned servers and third-party servers (data center) on which Inboxmaker International Ltd. processes and stores data are located exclusively within the Hungarian territory. Inboxmaker undertakes not to transfer any data outside the Hungarian Area.

Inboxmaker will inform you immediately, to the extent we are legally authorized to do so, in case of any application or order originating from an administrative or judicial authority relating to your personal data.

Use of Information

1. Inboxmaker’s services are intended for use by businesses and not consumers. Where you have provided us with your contact information - including personal data - we may use this information to contact you for marketing purposes via regular mail, email or telephone.

2. When you activate a Inboxmaker account (including any trial account), you agree to receive marketing information about Inboxmaker's services via the following media: email, telephone, regular mail.

3. If you no longer wish to receive our newsletter or any promotional communications, you may opt-out of receiving them by following the unsubscribe instructions included in each newsletter or communication or by emailing us at info (at)

4. Email sent through Inboxmaker may contain a secure, automated unsubscribe link at the bottom of the email. To unsubscribe, you simply need to click the link at the bottom of the page in the unsubscribe area. You are immediately excluded from all future mailings.

5. Inboxmaker may also use personal and non-personal data for other purposes including but not limited to the provision of technical support and, obviously, providing the services you request.

6. We use a third-party tracking service that uses tracking technologies to track non-personally identifiable information about visitors to our site in the aggregate such as, the number of site visits, page views, page visits, bounce rate, average time on site, and the percentage of new visits to see how our site is being used and what content is most popular.

Information Sharing and Disclosure

1. This data is stored on secure servers, and only a limited number of people are authorized to access your contact lists, in particular for the purpose of providing support services.

2. The information we collect is available to Inboxmaker employees who may need to access this information for legitimate business purposes including the provision of technical support, customer service, marketing purposes and billing functions. This data may also be available to third parties engaged by Inboxmaker - for example, third-party billing services providers who require access to customer accounts.

3. As the creator of the Inboxmaker account and using Inboxmaker services, you are considered the data controller within the meaning of the GDPR, and Inboxmaker is acting only as a data processor. In this capacity, you are responsible in particular for:

- making all the declarations necessary to the relative data protection authority;

- complying with all current regulations in force;

- obtaining the explicit consent of the persons concerned when collecting their personal data;

- ensuring your authority to use the personal data collected in accordance with the defined end purposes and refraining from any unauthorized use.

4. If a recipient of your emails sent via our services requests us to modify or delete his/her personal data, we will honor that request after proper verification and will inform you of it.

5. Inboxmaker does not, under any circumstances, sell or rent your personal or business data without your written consent or unless ordered by a court of law.

Clear Gifs or Web Beacons

1. We employ a software technology called clear gifs (a.k.a. Web Beacons/Web Bugs), that help us better manage content on our site by informing us what content is effective. Clear gifs are tiny graphics with a unique identifier, similar in function to cookies, and are used to track the online movements of Web users. In contrast to cookies, which are stored on a user’s computer hard drive, clear gifs are embedded invisibly on Web pages and are about the size of the period at the end of this sentence. We do not tie the information gathered by clear gifs to our customers’ personally identifiable information.

2. We use clear gifs in our HTML-based emails to let us know which emails have been opened by recipients. This allows us to gauge the effectiveness of certain communications and the effectiveness of email marketing campaigns.

Links to Other Sites

1. This Website contains links to other sites that are not owned or controlled by Inboxmaker. Please be aware that we, Inboxmaker, are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites. For example, when you use "Share This" to post to social networking sites, to import contacts and/or to tell your friends about our site, you will be taken to a third party site. Please note that these third party sites' privacy policies govern the collection and use of the information collected on those sites.

2. We encourage you to be aware when you leave our site and to read the privacy policies of each and every Web site that collects personally identifiable information. This Privacy Policy applies only to information collected by this Web site.

Security of Your Information

1. Privacy and security are of utmost importance to Inboxmaker, and we strive to ensure that our technical and organizational measures in place respect your data protection rights.

2. Inboxmaker has made a substantial investment in the latest server, database, backup and firewall technologies to protect our information assets. These technologies are deployed as part of sophisticated security architecture. We will maintain safeguards to protect the security of these servers and your personally identifiable information.

3. We use technical, administrative, and physical security measures to protect against the loss, misuse, and alteration of data used by our system. No data transmissions over the Internet, however, are guaranteed to be completely secure. While we strive to protect your data from unauthorized use or disclosure, Inboxmaker cannot warrant or guarantee the security of the data that you provide to us.

4. Thus and in accordance with the GDPR, Inboxmaker undertakes to take all pertinent precautions in order to preserve the security of the data and, in particular, to protect them against any accidental or unlawful destruction, accidental loss, corruption, unauthorised circulation or access, as well as against any other form of unlawful processing or disclosure to unauthorised persons.

5. Inboxmaker implements industry standard security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized disclosure. In using industry recommended methods of encoding, Inboxmaker takes the measures necessary to protect information connected with payments and credit cards.

6. Moreover, in order to avoid in particular all unauthorized access, to guarantee accuracy and the proper use of the data, Inboxmaker has put the appropriate electronic, physical and managerial procedures in place with a view to safeguarding and preserving the data gathered through its services.

7. Notwithstanding this, there is no absolute safety from piracy or hackers. That is why in the event a breach of security was to affect you, Inboxmaker undertakes to inform you thereof without undue delay and to use its best efforts to take all possible measures to neutralize the intrusion and minimize the impacts. Should you suffer any loss by reason of the exploitation by a third party of a security breach, Inboxmaker undertakes to provide you with every assistance necessary so you are able to assert your rights.

8. You should keep in mind that any user, customer or hacker who discovers and takes advantage of a breach in security renders him or herself liable to criminal prosecution and that Inboxmaker will take all measures, including filing a complaint and/or bring court action, to preserve the data and the rights of its users and of itself and to limit the impacts.

9. Due to the sensitive nature of your Distribution Lists, we do not re-send forgotten passwords. Users must follow online instructions to reset their passwords if they forget them. Account passwords are encrypted. We cannot see your passwords. We can only reset them.

10. We suggest creating account password with at least 8 characters, mixing lower and uppercase, mixing letters and numbers, using special characters (e.g. @). Also, we suggest changing your account password every 3-6 months.

Questions About Your Account

Should you have any questions about how we use the data we collect or what are our limitations of account access, please contact us.

Privacy Policy Changes

Any changes to our Privacy Policy will be posted here; please check this page regularly. If you have any questions about the changes, please contact us.

Other issues

1. By signing up and agreeing to receive emails from Inboxmaker, you agree that Inboxmaker will process your data and will use it to provide you with more relevant content and/or offers.

2. The personal data you enter will be stored on Inboxmaker servers, provided this data is deemed relevant by Inboxmaker, and provided you have not opted-out. It is possible to opt-out of every email received from Inboxmaker.

3. You have the right to file a complaint regarding the processing of unlawful data. These complaints should be sent to the data protection supervisory authority.

4. The legal basis for your data processing is consent and / or performance of our contractual obligations with you.

5. We can be reached via email at info (at)

6. You can also contact Inboxmaker Data Protection Officer directly at privacy(at) or by post mail to our offices.

Updated: Aug 23, 2021